Home » Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving

How to find the best blind spot mirrors in 2022

The best blind spot mirrors for cars: What to buy and how to install

You’re driving along a busy highway and do not notice a car in your blind spot. You try to switch lanes, but there’s not enough time and you end up hitting them. If only you’d had a ...

How Much Can You Save on Insurance with Defensive Driving courses

Can Defensive Driving Lower Your Car Insurance Rates?

Most people think that defensive driving is all about learning how to react in a hazardous situation. While this is one important part of it, defensive driving is actually much more than that. It̵...

How does trading in a finaced car work and how soon can you do it

How soon can you trade in a financed car: How It’s Done

When it comes to trading in a car that’s financed, there are a few common challenges people face. The first challenge is that you may not get as much money for your car as you owe on the loan. T...

tips for beginner drivers - improve driving skills

10 Tips For Beginner Drivers To Improve Driving Skills

After getting your drivers’ license, it would be better for you to take into consideration some piece of advice from us, for a while, until they properly turn into so called “driving skills”. Be emoti...

Six essential tricks to be able to drive on snow or icy road

Once with the drastic drop in temperature, winter makes us feel its presence through sleet, snow and last but not least through the ice and glaze frost that all drivers fear. Maybe some drivers have l...

top reasons to buy a hybrid / electric car

Top Reasons to buy a Hybrid Car

It’s no secret that hybrid engines are becoming more and more popular. Visit any major city in the US or the UK and you’ll see hybrid motors dominating the roads. The biggest change is coming in our t...

How do you drive safely in a flood

How do you drive safely in a flood: Safety Tips

It can be dangerous to drive through heavy rain, especially if the car’s air filter is located too low. Always approach the area with heavy water with caution at low speed and always look for a ...

Learn how to make an emergency stop safely

How to make an emergency stop: Brake Failure | Aquaplaning

Any responsible driver should know the best way to stop his/her car in case of a brake failure. It is a really important safety tip and you must know that engine braking might save your life. This is ...

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